Modulo is for NUS students who prefer to use a desktop app for managing their school work on a modular level.
It helps you to break down your modules into deadlines and track their progress.
Summary of contributions
Feature: Export .ics file
Allows the user to export calendar as an .ics file compatible with common web calendar applications.
Feature: Add Deadline
Allows the user to add deadline to calendar
Other contributions:
Kickstart initial modifications of functional classes (e.g. LogicManager, ModelManager, AddressBook etc.)
Initial creation of entity classes
Help teammate review code on-site and provide suggestions to code
Write test cases for classes (ClearCommand, DoneCommand, ExportCommand, writer package)
Aid in debugging of issues raised during mock PE
Implementation + sequence diagram for export command (DG)
UseCase4 for export command (DG)
UML diagram for Storage
Feature description for export (UG)